Posts by Jeff Rose, CFP®:

The 7 Best Investment Apps of 2024
Jeff Rose, CFP® |
When it comes to investment apps and platforms, there are hundreds of options available, with more being introduced each passing year. This obviously begs the question: What are the best investing apps for the average person who wants to trade stocks, invest in crypto, or build long-term wealth? Unfortunately, there is no perfect answer when it comes to the best …
Social Security Disability Benefits + Application Guide
Jeff Rose, CFP® |
Social Security disability benefits can help you keep a roof over your head and food on the table when you become disabled due to an injury, an illness, or a severe medical condition. That said, applying for these benefits can be a cumbersome process, mostly due to the various steps involved, the complicated paperwork required, and the potential for in-person …
He Gave Away (Over) $1 Million Before the Age 40
Jeff Rose, CFP® |
Bob Lotich is a a fellow personal finance blogger (check him out at, author, and most importantly, a good friend. Over the years, I’ve been able to witness firsthand how good his heart is, as he’s always been willing to help a friend in need without expecting anything in return. I got a chance to sit down with him …
What Is an NFT and Should You Invest in One?
Jeff Rose, CFP® |
If you’re someone who keeps an eye on the regular news, you have probably noticed some pretty crazy headlines regarding something called an “NFT.” For example, there was this article from CNBC with the headline, “Meet the 12-year-old coder set to earn over $400,000 selling NFTs,” which explained the tween’s process for buying and selling digital artwork consisting of “weird …
Investing Essentials for Beginners & Intermediates
Jeff Rose, CFP® |
Do other people’s financial success stories ever make you feel a little… inept? You’ve heard about them: People like the 28-year-old who made so many wise investments she retired last year. Or that school teacher turned stock trader who now teaches school only because he loves his students, not because he needs the salary. We could’ve done that, right? If …
How to Invest $20,000-$25,000 in 2024
Jeff Rose, CFP® |
If you are looking for the best ways to invest 20k-25k wisely, you’ve come to the right place to learn where to start. I’m going to show you how to invest that money based on your current attitude toward investing, whether your primary goal is to make sure your money is safe and sound or it’s to earn as much money …