Posts by Jeff Rose, CFP®:

Ditch Your Bank: 9 Banking Alternatives That Pay More
Jeff Rose, CFP® |
Did you know the average bank is paying 0.43% in interest on their savings accounts? That seems crazy enough on its own, but it’s even crazier that my bank is paying even less than that. That’s right; my own bank is paying a fraction of the average savings interest rate….actually .01%. Even worse, my bank (U.S. Bank) has been paying …
9 Financial Moves After a Maxed Out 401k
Jeff Rose, CFP® |
If you’ve been maxing out your employer-sponsored 401(k) plan, a Solo 401(k), or any other tax-advantaged retirement plan, you’re doing way better than the vast majority of workers. After all, the average retirement savings by age is absolutely paltry with most workers under the age of 35 having barely $6,000 in savings. By contrast, individuals saving for retirement could contribute …
What Are First-Time Homebuyer Programs?
Jeff Rose, CFP® |
If you’re a first-time homebuyer, you may be feeling shut out of the market in the current fast-rising house price environment. But precisely because you are a first-time homebuyer, there may be help on the horizon. Major lenders, local governments, and non-profit organizations commonly offer first-time homebuyer programs to help you purchase a home. You may be able to get …
How to Remove Collections From Your Credit Report
Jeff Rose, CFP® |
Key Takeaways: No one can legally remove correct information from your credit reports. If collection activity on your credit reports is incorrect, there is a formal process you can use to dispute it. In many cases, paying off debts in collections can help you have the information removed from your credit reports early. With no action taken, collection activity on …
7 Roth IRA Secrets You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner
Jeff Rose, CFP® |
The Roth IRA is a popular retirement account, and it’s incredibly easy to see why. Yes, you have to invest in this account with after-tax dollars, but your money grows tax-free and you don’t have to pay income taxes later on. In case you missed that: TAX-FREE MONEY!! You can also open a Roth IRA with any major brokerage firm …
How to Retire at 35 (And Not Give Up Netflix)
Jeff Rose, CFP® |
Building wealth and achieving financial independence is fairly straightforward. You need to make more than you spend and invest the difference. It’s the simple advice most people don’t want to hear. They want the latest “money hack” that is guaranteed to make them a millionaire overnight. Steve Adcock understands this. And if you read over his Twitter feed you quickly …