Posts by Kevin Mulligan:

Review of Chase Blueprint
Kevin Mulligan |
Update: Chase Blueprint is no longer available to new customers. Have you ever struggled to manage your credit card use? Have you been frustrated to be charged interest on your everyday items while you try to pay down your balance? A new set of software by Chase Bank called Blueprint aims to help you manage your credit card use and pay …
Chase Slate Credit Card Review – With No Balance Transfer Fee and Now 0% APR for 15 Months!
Kevin Mulligan |
Chase Slate Card UpdateThe Chase Slate Card is no longer available or not accepting new applications. If you knew you could use a credit card to finally get out of debt forever, would you be interested in learning more about it? The very thing that has cost you thousands in interest could end up being the lifeline that pulls you …
Want to Succeed as an Entrepreneur? Learn the Art of Leverage
Kevin Mulligan |
This will sound contradictory but the same traits that make you a successful business owner could also cause you to fail. If you understand why, you won’t join the legions of entrepreneurs who had the drive and passion to succeed but ended up going back to work for somebody else. It’s all about leverage and if you’ve never studied how …
Want Free Money? Get a Chase Freedom® Card
Kevin Mulligan |
Who doesn’t like free cash? Anyone? Believe it or not, the Chase Freedom® Card will give you free money simply for signing up. The best part? Chase Freedom is one the best cash-back credit cards available. You’re not signing up for a garbage credit card just to get some cash back. Let’s look at how it works and why this is a …